Please follow the steps below correctly, or your pack may be incorrectly installed.
PAPI Setup (PlaceholdersAPI)
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download Vault
/papi reload
ItemsAdder & HappyHUD Setup
Drag and drop ItemsAdder & HappyHUD folders in your plugins folder
Disable ItemsAdder Text Effects.
Disable ItemsAdder Hide Scoreboard Numbers.
In the HappyHud config.yml set copy-resource-pack to enabled: true and make the path
copy-resource-pack: enabled: true # The location to copy each namespace to. The parent path is your plugins directory. namespaces: minecraft: "ItemsAdder/contents" happyhud: "ItemsAdder/contents"
run command
/hh reload
run command
Have fun !
Last updated
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